Podcast #183: Joe Machi & Mike Cronin

Joe Machi is one of the most inventive and unique comics around. Joel makes this week’s show a double bill as he interviews Joe long after the show was already in the can! Joe talks hating live podcasts, weird rides to and from the club, doing comedy on Fox News and the advantages of taking a comedy class. Then, Mike Cronin, our feature act, comes on. Mike has headlined the club before and is an excellent comedian in his own right. Mike talks to Joel about his comedy getting “darker”, the value in changing cities in your stand-up career, and what happened to comic book movies? Mike has a podcast for that! Check out his YouTube special, too! This is one of the best line-ups all year at The Comedy Castle, so you know what to do!

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Podcast #182: Ian Bagg Will Fix Your Website

Its a sad week for Ian Bagg, as you’ll hear, but he’s at The Comedy Castle this weekend and he’s always great. Ian Tells Joel of how the NFL Draft screwed up his travel plans, why banning Tik Tok is not the answer to anything, and why Long Beach, California is his home and why he loves it so much. You’ll also hear Ian’s complaints about The Comedy Castle website and his ideas on how to sell tickets differently. Is it that bad? Well you can click right here and see for yourself! Ian’s tickets are going fast, as always, hope you can join us this weekend!

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Visit comedycastle.com for tickets and more information

Podcast #181: Josh Blue Cannot Be President

Josh Blue returns this week, and as one of the top draws at the club, we must say get your tickets now! And as Josh is starting to headline theaters, and he tells Joel about the pros and cons of theaters vs comedy clubs, what he does for fun at his cabin in Colorado, and why, unfortunately, Josh cannot ever run for President of the United States. Also, it’s 4/20 this weekend, but please control yourself. Josh’s tickets are going fast – so don’t miss him!

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Visit comedycastle.com for tickets and more information